24 and 25 September 2021 Campus Saint Charles Aix-Marseille University

The 2021 edition of the GDR Vertige Colloquium was dedicated to vestibular rehabilitation. For several decades, the rehabilitation of vestibular functions has been based on the discoveries of basic and clinical research on the mechanisms favoring vestibular compensation. These mechanisms include both actions aimed at promoting sensory and behavioral substitutions, pharmacological management, or even the psychological management of patients.

The 2021 Colloquium paid tribute to Michel Lacour, one of the pioneers in the study of vestibular compensation in France, through his electrophysiological, neurobiological and behavioral approaches in animal and human models of vestibular loss.

During the two days of the Symposium (Friday 24/09) and Saturday (25/09), researchers, clinicians, vestibular rehabilitators from all over Europe will present studies on neurophysiological mechanisms that support the vestibular rehabilitation process, and on transfer of fundamental knowledge to patients. The contribution of the studies carried out by Michel Lacour will be honored.

“The sooner rehabilitation begins, the better the functional recovery”
– Michel Lacour

As every year, an important place will be preserved for discussion and exchanges with vertigo and rehabilitation professionals through questions / answers at the end of plenary presentations.