
Bringing together the Vertigo Community

The Vestibular Pathophysiology Research Group (GDR Vertige in French; Unit GDR3698) was created in 2015 at the initiative of Dr C Chabbert (Laboratory of Sensory and Cognitive Neuroscience; Marseille) with the aim of bringing together the multidisciplinary components of the neuro-otology community (field of study and treatment of balance disorders and vertigo) and to encourage exchanges and collaborations on scientific and clinical projects.

“Encourage exchanges and collaborations on scientific and clinical projects”


A multidisciplinary community

The GDR Vertige brings together clinicians, researchers and industrialists around the theme of equilibration and vestibular disorders.

Clinical Services

18 ENT departments of the main French University hospitals became members of the GDRV when it was created in 2015

Research Teams

10 research teams working on peripheral and central areas of the vestibular sphere joined the GDRV when it was created in 2015

Industrial Partners

FRAMIRAL, SYNAPSIS and SENSORION were the first companies to join the GDR Vertige project. Since 2015, they have actively supported the various initiatives of the group.


Clinical Services


Research Labs


Industrial Partners

Founding members: The various professional components involved in basic and clinical research on vestibular pathologies or in the care of the vertigo patient, had few opportunities to discuss their practices, however very complementary, and did not have a federative structure dedicated to training and interdisciplinary exchanges. The action to bring together the neuro-otology community began in the context of the creation of the GDR Vertige by gathering 18 clinical teams covering the main French University Hospitalss, 10 research teams from the CNRS, INSERM, INRS, CEA, and 3 industrial partners (medical devices, biotech).

Initiatives: Various initiatives were launched from the first year of creation, with the objective of stimulating the neuro-otology community (Website), promoting exchanges between researchers and clinicians (Annual Colloquium), stimulating the implementation of ambitious research projects (thematic teams – EQTEM), to sensitize young researchers and clinicians to fundamental and translational research on vestibular disorders (thematic school), to extend the GDRV to learned societies in the French-speaking world (international partnerships) and to financially support research projects (Donation Campaigns).

Developments: During its first term (2015-2019), the GDRV continued to develop. The various steps taken have garnered strong support. New research teams, clinical services, private companies and professional associations have joined GDR Vertige and contributed to its initiatives. During this period, visits to the site htt: // experienced exponential attendance (from 3,300 annual visits and 1,700 new visitors in 2015 to +9,000 annual visits and 4,000 new visitors in 2019). Many interdisciplinary research projects have emerged and are currently under development (see EQTEM page).

Renewal: At the end of the GDRV first term, a renewal request was filed with the CNRS (PDF available at click). The request received a very favorable opinion from sections 25 and 26 of the National Committee and the GDRV was renewed (Unit GDR2074) for 5 years over the period 2020-2024. During this second term, the GDR vertige wishes to open up to the field of human and social sciences, strengthen its visibility with research funding bodies, and develop its links with foreign research teams. The federative group also aims to gradually transform itself into a long-lasting research structure on the model of Institute, structured around thematic teams.