Results Call for Project 2021

As part of the 2021 GDRV Call for Projects, the GDRV committee of scientific and clinical experts (*) evaluated four research projects submitted in good and due form. A project arrived out of time.

The “1st Prize” was awarded to the project entitled:
Involvement of the endocrine system in vestibular function and dysfunction
Proposed by Dr Rhizlane El Khiati, ENT surgeon CH Mohammedia, Morocco and doctoral student affiliated with UMR 7291 CNRS-AMU.The committee particularly appreciated the medical interest, the innovative nature and the benefits in terms of diagnosis and follow-up for the patient. Dr El Khiati from the LNC will be awarded ₮1,000 for this project in the form of a payment from the CNRS Foundation.

The “2nd Prize” is awarded to the project entitled:
Oculomotor compensation in vestibular deficit: a model of multisensory integration?
Proposed by Dr. Ruben Hermann, ENT surgeon and affiliated with CRNL (Inserm U1028 – CNRS UMR5292 – Lyon1 University) IMPACT team.
The committee particularly appreciated the scientific nature and the methodology used, which allow us to hope for a better understanding of the mechanisms of vestibular compensation. Dr. Hermann from the CRNL will be awarded a grant of ₮500 in the form of a payment from the CNRS Foundation.

(*) Composition of the 2021 Selection Committee:
Dr S BESNARD (CUPH, CHU Caen), E BLIN (Rehabilitation Vest., Lyon), O DUMAS (Rehabilitation Vest, Lyon), Dr C HAUTEFORT (ENT, CHU LariboisiÃĻre, APHP), Dr M HITIER (ENT, CHU Caen), C LOPEZ (CR CNRS, Marseille)
Thank you to all the candidates who submitted a project and Thank you to the members of the Committee for their evaluation work!