Its objective is to better characterize the physiological mechanisms and the multisensory integration deficits associated with congenital vestibular deficits.
It brings together research teams working on the inner ear, child development, and the development of innovative therapies, and hospital services specializing in the management of vestibular pathologies, especially in children. .
The current grouping, limited to the Paris region, is intended to extend to the national level.
Collaborative research project between the INCC (CNRS and University of Paris) and the CReA (APHP, Hôpital Necker). Salma Jbyeh (ENT intern) obtained a grant from the French College of ORL and Cervico-Facial Surgery for the realization of a clinical research internship exploring children with vestibular deficit using virtual reality.
Title: Validation and comparison of a virtual reality protocol in children without vestibular pathology and children with chronic vestibular deficit: prospective study ReViCHILD
Call for papers: New approaches to Investigate Congenital Vestibular Disorders
Mathieu Beraneck and François Simon are co-editors, with Kenna Peusner (George Washington University) and Richard Lewis (Harvard University), of a special issue in the journal Frontiers in Neurology on congenital vestibular pathologies.