Liberal physiotherapist specializing in Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular rehabilitation activity
Teaching activities
Having practiced more traditional physiotherapy and osteopathy until 1995, the postural problem then led me to the vestibular function which has occupied most of my activities since then; in 1999 I obtained the university diploma in exploration and rehabilitation in otoneurology at the University of Lyon 1 (Pr C. Dubreuil).
I was able to benefit from teaching from people who have marked me, Erik Ulmer, Alain SÃĐmont, Georges Freyss, Michel Lacour, Christian Chabbert and many others with whom, for the most part, the exchanges remain as constructive as friendly.
In 2009, having initiated myself into pedagogy (European Center for Training and Information of Health Professionals), I started teaching in the field of vestibular rehabilitation.
Of particular interest to me is the vestibular functional exploration; I participate as much as possible in the development of these techniques (VNG-VHIT), as well as in their adaptation to rehabilitation practices.
I am a member of the International Society of Otoneurology and of the French Society of Vestibular Kinesitherapy which I co-founded in 2013.
- DIU de prise en charge des pathologies audio-vestibulaires (Paris-Lyon-Clermont-Ferrand) Pr H. Thai Van
- DIU dâexploration et rÃĐÃĐducation des vertiges et troubles de lâÃĐquilibre (Lyon-Grenoble-St Etienne) Pr S. Tringali
- Formation continue : Ambroise ParÃĐ Formation (e-learning et prÃĐsentiel)
- Formations SantÃĐ Online (e-learning)
- CHU Lyon Sud ORL Pr S. Tringali. Explorations vestibulaires
- Divers IFMK